Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company - Page 61

                                               - 61 -                                                  
            the years in issue, NITCO had actual plans concerning many of the                          
            purported business needs petitioners have alleged.  NITCO                                  
            produced practically nothing in terms of documents that were                               
            prepared during the years in issue that reflect its alleged plans                          
            and future needs.  Indeed, we view these claimed future needs to                           
            be largely afterthoughts advanced by petitioners to avoid the                              
            imposition of accumulated earnings tax liability against NITCO.                            
            Moreover, almost all the asserted future needs are too vague and                           
            uncertain to be considered reasonably anticipated business needs                           
            of NITCO.                                                                                  
                  Additionally, considerably undercutting petitioners'                                 
            position that NITCO's earnings were accumulated to meet these                              
            alleged reasonably anticipated business needs of NITCO, is the                             
            fact that, notwithstanding these alleged future needs, NITCO, in                           
            late 1990 and early 1991, loaned approximately $3.6 million to                             
            BMCT, a corporation solely owned by Mr. Mussman's son Kyle, to                             
            enable BMCT to acquire a Washington State cellular telephone                               
            business.  The $3.6 million loaned was an investment unrelated to                          
            NITCO's business and was of dubious economic benefit to NITCO,                             
            considering NITCO's later agreement to subordinate its rights                              
            with respect to BMCT's repayment of the loan in order for BMCT to                          
            borrow an additional $2.8 million from another lender.  Although                           
            NITCO subsequently converted its $3.6 million loan to a limited                            
            partnership interest in the BMCT limited partnership, pursuant to                          
            the advice of its attorneys following the issuances of the                                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011