Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company - Page 66

                                               - 66 -                                                  
            Dial Tone" ruling removed certain regulatory restrictions that                             
            prevented telephone companies from entering that business area.                            
            He opined that, although the time frame could not be well                                  
            defined, it could take 5 to 10 years for serious penetration of                            
            the residential market for broadband switch services to occur.                             
                  The above expert opinions of Drs. Jackson and Rohlfs and Mr.                         
            Liss, along with the 1989 white paper Kyle authored, reflect                               
            that, during 1987 through 1989, NITCO's rewiring of residences                             
            with fiber optic cable and its purchase of broadband switches,                             
            would only become economically justified following the occurrence                          
            of future commercial, legal, and technological developments that                           
            would permit NITCO to derive substantial additional revenue from                           
            offering new services, such as television services, over fiber                             
            optic lines.  NITCO's plans to employ broadband switches could                             
            hardly be considered to be specific and definite during the years                          
            in issue.  We conclude that NITCO's future needs to install                                
            broadband switches and the fiber optic cable to support such                               
            switches, were too vague and uncertain to be reasonably                                    
            anticipated business needs of NITCO during 1987 through 1989.                              
            Sec. 1.537-1(b)(1), Income Tax Regs.                                                       
                  Similarly, we are not convinced that NITCO, during 1987                              
            through 1989, had any actual plans with respect to SS7/Class                               
            switches, "Airport risk", a billing and collections computer, and                          
            headquarters building expansion.  As indicated above, we think                             
            that these purported business needs are mere afterthoughts on                              

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