Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company - Page 59

                                               - 59 -                                                  
                  Respondent generally disputes that NITCO, during 1987                                
            through 1989, had the reasonable business needs that petitioners                           
            allege.  Respondent agrees with the working capital requirements                           
            and agrees that, for 1987, NITCO needed $669,530 to retire its                             
            long-term debt on the old switching equipment it replaced.                                 
            Respondent further agrees that NITCO's reasonable business needs                           
            required the accumulation of some earnings to install fiber optic                          
            cable between its exchanges, but contends that petitioners have                            
            failed to offer convincing evidence establishing the precise                               
            amount.  Respondent contends that NITCO, during the years in                               
            issue, had no actual definite plans with respect to meeting the                            
            other alleged business needs and that those alleged needs were                             
            not reasonably anticipated business needs of NITCO.  We generally                          
            agree with respondent.                                                                     

            Fiber optic cable to       500,000      same       same                                    
            support broadband      1,000,000      same       same                                      
            Switches for             6,000,000-     same       same                                    
            SS7/Class             10,000,000                                                           
            Broadband switch         8,000,000-     same       same                                    
            Telephone acquisition      1,000,000-     same       same                                  
            Airport risk:                                                                              
            In NITCO's exchange    300,000,000      same       same                                    
            Near NITCO's            25,000,000-     same       same                                    
            exchanges             50,000,000                                                           
            Cellular                   2,000,000-     same       same                                  
            diversification        2,500,000                                                           
            Billings & collections       850,000-     same       same                                  
            computer                 1,000,000                                                         
            Building expansion;        2,000,000-     same       same                                  
            furnished                2,500,000                                                         

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Last modified: May 25, 2011