Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company - Page 64

                                               - 64 -                                                  
            authored and published in 1989 while he was NITCO's general                                
            manager, Kyle was of the view that the installation of fiber                               
            optic cable in residences by local telephone companies was not                             
            then economically feasible.  His paper estimated that using fiber                          
            optic cables to provide "plain old telephone service" to                                   
            individual homes, at that time, would cost from $4,000 to $10,000                          
            per residential customer.                                                                  
                  Respondent offered the expert witness report of Dr. Charles                          
            L. Jackson and Dr. Jeffrey H. Rohlfs, each of whom has had                                 
            extensive experience in the telecommunications industry.  Dr.                              
            Jackson is an engineer with 25 years of experience in the                                  
            computer and telecommunications industry.  He has worked as a                              
            consultant for the past 13 years.  Dr. Rohlfs is an economist                              
            with over 20 years experience in the telecommunications industry.                          
            He worked for 14 years at Bell Labs where he became a department                           
            head for economic modeling research and subsequently has worked                            
            for the last 10 years as a consultant.                                                     
                  Drs. Jackson and Rohlfs were of the opinion that, as of                              
            1989, vast uncertainty existed about the future cost and                                   
            availability of systems that would provide fiber connections to                            

            brief, petitioners state that they are not contending that "NITCO                          
            * * * sought to provide wideband (video) services in 1987 to                               
            1989, only that it saw a need * * * to provide video services in                           
            the mid to late 1990s to meet the threat of competition from                               
            cable companies."                                                                          

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Last modified: May 25, 2011