Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company - Page 79

                                               - 79 -                                                  
            rather than helpful.  In view of NICATV's and NITCO's refusal to                           
            comply with the FCC's orders in the divestiture action, the FCC                            
            referred the matter to the Department of Justice for appropriate                           
            enforcement proceedings.  Ultimately, in July 1989, Rhys sold                              
                  With respect to the legal expenses for which we sustained                            
            respondent's disallowance of business deductions by NITCO for                              
            1988 and 1989, we sustain respondent's determination that NITCO's                          
            payment of those legal expenses represented constructive dividend                          
            income to Mr. Mussman for 1988 and 1989.  Petitioners have failed                          
            to establish that NITCO's payment of the expenses did not                                  
            primarily benefit the Mussman family, furthered NITCO's interest,                          
            and was of direct and substantial benefit to NITCO.  Rule 142(a).                          

            Amount NITCO Paid to Rhys on December 20, 1988                                             

                  In the notice of deficiency issued to the Mussmans,                                  
            respondent determined that $22,646, which NITCO paid to Rhys on                            
            December 20, 1988, was constructive dividend income to Mr.                                 
            Mussman.  On brief, petitioners have advanced only a vague                                 
            argument that Rhys served as a "consultant" to NITCO in 1985 and                           
            in 1989.                                                                                   
                  Petitioners have failed to establish that the payment                                
            furthered NITCO's interest and was of direct and substantial                               
            benefit to NITCO.  They have not offered any details or specific                           
            information concerning what, if any, actual "consulting work"                              
            Rhys performed for NITCO.  Indeed, in NITCO and Rhys' March 24,                            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011