Northwestern Indiana Telephone Company - Page 93

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            understatements should be reduced under section 6661(b)(2)(B) or                           
            that respondent should have waived all or any part of the                                  
            additions to tax under section 6661(c).23  We hold that NITCO is                           
            liable for additions to tax under section 6661 for 1987 and 1988                           
            and that the Mussmans are liable for an addition to tax under                              
            section 6661 for 1988.                                                                     

                                                      Decisions will be entered                        
                                                under Rule 155.                                        

            23On brief, petitioners make the vague argument that they                                  
            should not be held liable for the sec. 6661 additions to tax,                              
            because "the substantial understatement penalty is computational,                          
            and thus may not apply; if it does, the penalty is inappropriate                           
            because reasonable cause can be found for the understatement."                             
            However, "reasonable cause", standing alone, is not a sufficient                           
            basis for avoiding liability with respect to the sec. 6661                                 
            addition.  See H. Conf. Rept. 97-760 at 575 (1982), 1982-2 C.B.                            
            600, 650.  At any rate, petitioners have failed to establish:                              
            (1) There was substantial authority for their return positions or                          
            reasonable disclosure on their returns; or (2) respondent should                           
            have waived all or part of the additions.  Rule 142(a).                                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011