Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 52

                                               - 52 -                                                 

            refund obligation is determined by a formula based on the full                            
            contract price, time elapsed, and mileage driven.  The refund is                          
            unaffected by the amount of claims for repairs under the contract                         
            that have been financed from the PLRF.  Yet if the VSC created a                          
            specific trust property to finance each contract holder's                                 
            repairs, the consumption of that property through repairs would                           
            reduce the refundable balance pro tanto, in the same manner that                          
            the rendition of attorneys' services reduced the refundable                               
            balance of the client trust account in Miele.  The actual                                 
            operation of the VSC arrangement demonstrates that the funds                              
            collected by the Dealership on the sale of a VSC were not                                 
            impressed with a trust in favor of the contract holder.                                   
                  (2) The Purchaser Had No Beneficial Interest in the PLRF;                           
                        the PLRF Existed for the Benefit of the Individual                            
                        Dealerships and for the Protection of Travelers                               
                  The operative agreements do not grant the purchaser any                             
            rights that the status of beneficiary would imply.  None of the                           
            agreements expressly recognizes any right of the purchaser to                             
            enforce the terms for the establishment, funding, administration,                         
            or termination of the trust.  On the contrary, the VSC expressly                          
            disclaims any liability of the Administrator to the purchaser.                            
            The obligations of the Escrow Trustees ordinarily do not run to                           
            the purchaser directly.  Reserves are released to the issuing                             
            Dealership or to another authorized repair facility.  Even                                
            cancellation refunds are remitted to the issuing Dealership for                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011