Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 57

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            escrow accounts, settlement funds, and similar funds generally                            
            was incorporated in the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act                           
            of 1988 (TAMRA), Pub. L. 100-647, sec. 1018(f)(5)(A), 102 Stat.                           
            3582, and was codified as section 468B(g).  Section 468B(g)                               
                        SEC. 468B(g).  Clarification of Taxation of                                   
                  Certain Funds.--Nothing in any provision of law shall                               
                  be construed as providing that an escrow account,                                   
                  settlement fund, or similar fund is not subject to                                  
                  current income tax.  The Secretary shall prescribe                                  
                  regulations providing for the taxation of any such                                  
                  account or fund whether as a grantor trust or                                       
            The section applies to escrow accounts, settlement funds, or                              
            similar funds established after August 16, 1986.  H. Rept. 100-                           
            795, at 377 (1988); S. Rept. 100-445, at 398 (1988).                                      
                  The committee reports contain the following guidance                                
            concerning the regulations authorized by the statute:                                     
                        It is anticipated that these regulations will                                 
                  provide that if an amount is transferred to an account                              
                  or fund pursuant to an arrangement that constitutes a                               
                  trust, then the income earned by the amount transferred                             
                  will be currently taxed under Subchapter J of the Code.                             
                  Thus, for example, if the transferor retains a                                      
                  reversionary interest in any portion of the trust that                              
                  exceeds 5 percent of the value of that portion, or the                              
                  income of the trust may be paid to the transferor, or                               
                  may be used to discharge a legal obligation of the                                  
                  transferor, then the income is currently taxable to the                             
                  transferor under the grantor trust rules.                                           
                  Final regulations under section 468B(g) were issued in                              
            December 1992.  Sec. 1.468B-1, Income Tax Regs.  The scope of the                         

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Last modified: May 25, 2011