Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 63

                                               - 63 -                                                 

            include the income attributable to their respective portions as                           
            if earned by them directly.  Sec. 1.671-2(c), Income Tax Regs.                            
                  Section 468B(g) does not warrant a different result.  The                           
            statute and regulations issued thereunder do not prescribe rules                          
            for identifying the person currently taxable on the income earned                         
            by the PLRF.  However, the statute plainly requires that this                             
            income be taxed currently and does not purport to override any                            
            existing rules that may apply to tax the income of the PLRF                               
            currently.  Nor does the statute purport to suspend the                                   
            application of such rules pending issuance of implementing                                
            regulations.  The TAMRA committee reports contemplate that if an                          
            escrow arrangement creates a trust relationship, the rules of                             
            subchapter J will control.  See supra p. 57.  Taxation of the                             
            PLRF as a grantor trust is therefore consistent with the                                  
            statutory mandate and the intention of Congress.                                          
            3.    Administrator's Fees and Insurance Premiums                                         
                  The Dealerships’ Federal income tax returns for the years at                        
            issue do not reflect the portions of the VSC purchase price that                          
            the Dealerships promptly remitted to the Administrator in payment                         
            of the Administrator's Fees and excess loss insurance premiums.                           
            Petitioners' defense of this treatment rests squarely on the                              
            matching principle:  "The clear reflection of the Dealership’s                            
            net income requires that the recognition of income and related                            
            expenses attributable to these two items occur concurrently."                             

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