Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 70

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            year while a VSC is in effect, the cumulative amount of Fees                              
            incurred up to and including that year must bear the same                                 
            relation to the total Fees attributable to the contract as the                            
            greater of time elapsed or mileage driven bears to the applicable                         
            limit specified in the contract.  In general, while a contract                            
            remained in effect the issuing Dealership would have known only                           
            the amount of time elapsed; it would have had no means of                                 
            ascertaining the amount of mileage driven, unless the contract                            
            holder brought the covered vehicle in for repairs.  In the                                
            absence of mileage information, the Fees would have been                                  
            incurred, and may be recognized, in equal annual increments over                          
            the maximum time period provided for in the contract to which                             
            they relate.11  If for any taxable year the Dealership had                                
            mileage information establishing a higher cumulative amount of                            
            Fees incurred than the amount implied by time elapsed, then a                             
            compensating adjustment would be made for that year.12                                    
                  b.  Timing of Income                                                                
                  Petitioners argue that "proper matching of income and                               
            expense under the accrual method requires deferred recognition of                         
            the portion of the purchase price allocable to Administrator Fees                         

                  11 Cf. Hinshaw’s, Inc. v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1994-327                         
            (reaching a consistent result on similar facts).                                          
                  12 We leave to the parties the task of applying this formula                        
            to each of the VSC’s in the random sample that respondent used to                         
            compute the revised adjustments and that the parties have agreed                          
            to use as the basis for Rule 155 computations.                                            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011