Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 64

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            While petitioners consistently maintain that these receipts and                           
            expenses should have no net effect on the Dealerships' taxable                            
            income, they advance alternative arguments concerning when the                            
            individual items should be taken into account.  Prior to trial                            
            they took the position, inter alia, that the expenses were                                
            currently deductible.  On brief they contend that both Premiums                           
            and Fees are "period expenses" that should be capitalized and                             
            amortized over the VSC term, and that the portions of the                                 
            contract price corresponding to these expenses should accordingly                         
            be included in gross income ratably over the contract term as                             
                  Respondent determined that the Dealerships' method of                               
            accounting for these expenses and the corresponding receipts                              
            improperly accelerated deductions or deferred income, resulting                           
            in a distortion of the Dealerships' income.10  We agree.                                  
            However, we conclude that some of these deductions may be taken                           
            earlier than respondent has allowed.                                                      
                  a.  Timing of Deductions                                                            
                  Under the accrual method of accounting, a liability is                              
            incurred and generally taken into account for the taxable year in                         
            which all events have occurred that establish the fact of the                             

                  10 Respondent does not challenge the Dealerships' treatment                         
            of the Commissions that they paid out of VSC sale proceeds.                               
            Respondent concedes that the Commissions were a currently                                 
            deductible expense.                                                                       

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