Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 59

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            Use of the income of the trust for the purpose of discharging a                           
            legal obligation of the grantor constitutes a distribution to the                         
            grantor within the meaning of section 677(a).  Anesthesia Serv.                           
            Med. Group, Inc. v. Commissioner, 85 T.C. 1031, 1055 (1985),                              
            affd. on other grounds 825 F.2d 241 (9th Cir. 1987); sec.                                 
            1.677(a)-1(d), Income Tax Regs.                                                           
                  Section 672(a) defines an "adverse party" as any person                             
            having a substantial beneficial interest in a trust that would be                         
            adversely affected by the exercise or nonexercise of a power that                         
            the party possesses respecting the trust.  Section 672(b) defines                         
            "nonadverse party" as any person who is not an adverse party.                             
                  The legislative history of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954                        
            explains that section 677 contemplates situations in which                                
            payment of trust income to or for the benefit of the grantor is                           
            either required under the terms of the trust or discretionary.                            
            H. Rept. 1337, 83d Cong., 2d Sess. A217 (1954).  The                                      
            classification of persons that participate in the administration                          
            of the trust as adverse or nonadverse parties becomes relevant to                         
            the application of section 677 only if such persons exercise                              
            discretion.  The theory behind this distinction is that where a                           
            power to pay trust income to the grantor or for his benefit is                            
            held by some person other than the grantor, the power should                              
            nevertheless be attributed to the grantor if the holder of the                            
            power has no substantial beneficial interest that would be                                

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