Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 54

                                               - 54 -                                                 

            structure of the NADS program had afforded.  As excess loss                               
            insurer, Travelers also had a vital interest in the size and                              
            security of the trust fund.  The PLRF accounts served as                                  
            Travelers' buffer.  Release of reserves under any circumstances                           
            (claims for repairs, cancellation refunds, unconsumed reserves)                           
            reduced the account balances and increased the insurance                                  
            company's exposure.                                                                       
                  The contract holder would have been largely indifferent to                          
            the status of the trust fund.  Under the VSC the contract holder                          
            was entitled to have his losses covered up to the maximum amount                          
            specified in the contract from the PLRF, the Dealership's own                             
            funds, or Travelers.  If the Dealership failed to satisfy a                               
            covered claim or refund the unearned portion of the contract                              
            price upon cancellation, the contract holder had recourse against                         
            Travelers.  With "one of the six largest property and casualty                            
            insurance companies in the United States" providing ultimate                              
            assurance to the contract holder that his interests would be                              
            protected, a beneficial interest in the PLRF would have been                              
            essentially superfluous to him.                                                           
                  If the Dealerships had understood the VSC program to protect                        
            the contract holders by granting them a beneficial interest in                            
            the trust fund, one would expect them to have called attention to                         
            this aspect of the program when they recommended it to their                              
            customers.  It generally appears that the Dealerships did not                             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011