Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 61

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            earned by the PLRF was available for use to discharge the                                 
            Dealerships' obligations either currently or in future, as                                
            needed.  It follows that the Dealerships are treated as owners of                         
            the entire trust, provided that the application of trust income                           
            for the Dealerships' benefit in this manner did not depend upon                           
            the approval or consent of an adverse party.  Sec. 1.677(a)-1(c)                          
            and (d), Income Tax Regs.                                                                 
                  The Administrator Agreement requires the authorization of                           
            both Escrow Trustees (the Managing Agent and Administrator) for                           
            release of any reserves from the PLRF.  Since the Administrator                           
            is entitled to receive any investment income of the PLRF not paid                         
            to or used for the benefit of the Dealerships, the Administrator                          
            plainly holds an interest in the PLRF that is adversely affected                          
            by the release of income to or for the benefit of the                                     
            Dealerships.  However, the authorization contemplated by the                              
            Administrator Agreement is not the exercise of a "power" within                           
            the meaning of section 672(a).  A power for purposes of subpart E                         
            of subchapter J means a discretionary right to control the                                
            beneficial enjoyment of trust income, and it is relevant to the                           
            question of the grantor's ownership of the trust only to the                              
            extent that it can be exercised out of self-interest at the                               
            grantor's expense.  See H. Rept. 1337, supra at A212, A217; sec.                          
            1.677(a)-1(e), Income Tax Regs.                                                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011