Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 65

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            liability, the amount of the liability can be determined with                             
            reasonable accuracy, and economic performance has occurred with                           
            respect to the liability.  Secs. 1.446-1(c)(1)(ii)(A), 1.461-                             
            1(a)(2), Income Tax Regs.  The time when economic performance                             
            occurs is determined in accordance with section 461(h) and the                            
            regulations thereunder.  These rules provide generally that:                              
            (1) Where the liability requires the taxpayer to provide services                         
            or property, economic performance occurs as the taxpayer incurs                           
            costs in connection with satisfaction of the liability, sec.                              
            461(h)(2)(B); sec. 1.461-4(d)(4)(i), Income Tax Regs.; (2) where                          
            the liability arises out of the provision of services or property                         
            to the taxpayer by another person, economic performance occurs as                         
            the services or property is provided by that person, sec.                                 
            461(h)(2)(A)(i); sec. 1.461-4(d)(2)(i), Income Tax Regs.; (3)                             
            where the liability arises out of the provision of insurance to                           
            the taxpayer, economic performance occurs when payment is made to                         
            the insurer, sec. 1.461-4(g)(5), Income Tax Regs.                                         
                  Section 1.461-1(a)(2), Income Tax Regs., clarifies that a                           
            liability that relates to the creation of an asset having a                               
            useful life extending substantially beyond the close of the                               
            taxable year in which the liability is incurred is taken into                             
            account through capitalization, and may affect the computation of                         
            taxable income in later years through appropriate cost recovery                           
            deductions.  See sec. 263; Commissioner v. Lincoln Sav. & Loan                            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011