Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 76

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            "Respondent's proposed adjustments do not represent a change in                           
            the Dealerships' method of accounting".13  We disagree.                                   
                  Respondent corrected the Dealerships' use of the accrual                            
            method to report income and expense under the VSC program.  If                            
            the proper application of the accrual method to the collection                            
            and ultimate disposition of the unreported portion of the                                 
            contract price and investment income would not change a                                   
            Dealership's lifetime taxable income, then correction of the                              
            Dealership's erroneous practice constitutes a change in method of                         
            accounting for purposes of section 481.  The unreported amounts                           
            were either applied to payment of expenses immediately following                          

                  13 In addition, petitioners contend that even if                                    
            respondent's adjustments do constitute a change in method of                              
            accounting, a further adjustment will not be required in order to                         
            prevent duplication or omission of income or expense.  They                               
            arrive at this conclusion by at least two lines of reasoning.                             
            First, they point out that "there would not be any duplication or                         
            omission due to the 'change' if the Dealerships are simply                                
            permitted to continue their current practice for VSC's sold in                            
            prior periods".  This observation appears to be correct, but it                           
            has no relevance whatever to the applicability of sec. 481.                               
            Second, they observe that respondent computed the sec. 481                                
            adjustment by initially increasing DFM Investment Co.'s gross                             
            income by unreported receipts from the sale of VSC's and then                             
            making "a second set of Code �481 adjustments to eliminate its                            
            initial Code �481 adjustment over time.  If, as Respondent                                
            contends, these adjustments merely affect timing, then no                                 
            duplication or omissions will occur, and neither of these                                 
            proposed adjustments are required."  This argument is difficult                           
            to follow, but it appears either:  (1) To confuse the sec. 481                            
            adjustment with the adjustments to the Dealership's method of                             
            accounting that necessitate the sec. 481 adjustment; or (2) to                            
            deny the applicability of sec. 481 for the very reason that it                            
            applies; or both.  At any rate, the argument is plainly without                           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011