Rameau A. and Phyllis A. Johnson - Page 80

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            warrant an adjustment under section 481.  But the cases                                   
            petitioners cite are readily distinguishable on their facts.                              
                  In Saline Sewer Co. v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1992-236,                           
            the taxpayer was a utility company that excluded customer                                 
            connection fees from gross income on the theory that they were                            
            contributions to capital.  We found that the mischaracterization                          
            caused a permanent distortion of Saline Sewer's taxable income,                           
            and accordingly respondent's recharacterization of these receipts                         
            as taxable income did not give rise to a section 481 adjustment.                          
                  In Schuster's Express, Inc. v. Commissioner, 66 T.C. 588                            
            (1976), the result turned in part on the unusual procedural                               
            posture of the case.  The Commissioner, who bore the burden of                            
            proof, failed to establish that under the taxpayer's method of                            
            reserve accounting for estimated insurance expenses "there was                            
            any procedure or intention to restore the excessive deductions to                         
            income in future years so as to properly reflect * * * [the                               
            taxpayer's] total lifetime income."  Id. at 596.  In the absence                          
            of proof by the Commissioner that the change was solely a matter                          
            of timing, we declined to sustain a section 481 adjustment.                               
                  In Security Associates Agency Ins. Corp. v. Commissioner,                           
            T.C. Memo. 1987-317, the taxpayer was required to include advance                         
            payments of insurance commissions for the year when received                              
            rather than for the following year when earned.  We held that                             
            although there had been a change in the taxpayer's method of                              

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