Melvin J. Laney and Carolyn A. Laney - Page 8

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            consulted with Monsanto about the development of integrated,                              
            centralized, information systems for health and safety testing.                           
            The information system that Monsanto developed was consistent                             
            with the information system that would be put into place at R.K.                          
            Laney’s consulting work for Monsanto did not involve Monsanto’s                           
            sponsorship of research at R.K.                                                           
                  During the time that Laney was working on the information                           
            system prototype for R.K., he began his consulting work for                               
            Merrill.  Laney consulted with Merrill about designs for a                                
            centralized and integrated information system.  This was                                  
            consistent with the use of the information system prototype for                           
            R.K.  Although Merrill expressed an interest in sponsoring                                
            research at R.K., this sponsorship never occurred.                                        
                  Laney did consulting work for Sterling-Winthrop from 1980 to                        
            at least 1982.  Laney was initially invited to work for Sterling-                         
            Winthrop because he had designed the information system prototype                         
            for R.K.  Laney consulted for Sterling-Winthrop to design a                               
            centralized and integrated information system for health and                              
            safety testing that could communicate with outside sources, such                          
            as (1) Sterling-Winthrop divisions, (2) Sterling-Winthrop                                 
            contractors, and (3) the information system that would be put                             
            into place at R.K.  As a result of Laney’s work for Sterling-                             
            Winthrop, Sterling-Winthrop spent substantial amounts for an                              
            information system.                                                                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011