Shigenori Kudo and Motomi Kudo, et al. - Page 62

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          imposition of the addition to tax or penalties for negligence for           
          each year.                                                                  
               For 1988, we apply the addition to tax to the entire                   
          understatement of tax.  Sec. 6653(a)(1).  For years after 1988,             
          the penalty applies only to the portion of the understatement               
          attributable to negligence.  Sec. 6662(a).  For those years,                
          petitioners did not prove that any of the adjustments conceded by           
          the Takaos or decided by the Court in favor of respondent were              
          not attributable to negligence.  Accordingly, for 1989 through              
          1991, we apply the penalty to the entire understatement of tax.             
          Section 6661                                                                
               Respondent determined that the Takaos are liable for an                
          addition to tax for substantial underpayment of tax under section           
          6661 for 1988.  Petitioners contend that the Takaos are not                 
          liable for the addition to tax under section 6661, because they             
          relied in good faith on Nakamura to properly prepare their tax              
          returns for the years in issue.  Respondent contends that the               
          Takaos are liable for the addition to tax under section 6661,               
          because petitioners failed to prove that the Takaos (1) acted in            
          good faith or had reasonable cause for the understatement of                
          income on the 1988 return or (2) disclosed the understatement on            
          their return for that year.  We agree with respondent.                      
               Section 6661 imposes an addition to tax of 25 percent of any           
          underpayment attributable to a substantial understatement of tax.           

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