Shigenori Kudo and Motomi Kudo, et al. - Page 64

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          respondent conceded that Toraya is entitled to deduct $1,800 as             
          "Office Expenses" for 1988.  The remaining adjustments for                  
          "Office Expenses" for 1988 and 1989 remain in issue.                        
               Petitioners contend that for 1988 and 1989 Toraya is                   
          entitled to deduct as office expenses $7,933 and $12,000,                   
          respectively, that it paid to Motomi to reimburse her for                   
          expenses she incurred in establishing an office in her home at              
          Nakamura's request.  Petitioners maintain that Motomi used the              
          office, among other things, to reconcile waitress tags to cash              
          register tapes and to count credit charge slips and record them             
          on the daily sales registers.  Petitioners contend that the                 
          payments were not gifts to Motomi.  Petitioners assert that the             
          payments served a business necessity and that Motomi would be               
          taxable for the payments, unless she can establish that she may             
          deduct her home office expenses on the Kudos' tax returns.                  
               Respondent contends that petitioners have failed to                    
          substantiate that the payments to Motomi had a business purpose.            
          Respondent asserts that petitioners did not establish the                   
          character and dollar amount of Motomi's alleged expenses, that              
          reimbursement of those expenses was properly authorized by                  
          Toraya, that Motomi accounted for her expenses to Toraya, and               
          that Motomi was required to work at home.  Thus, respondent                 
          maintains, petitioners have failed to establish that the claimed            
          office expenses are deductible business expenses.  Respondent               

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