Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries, Successor in Interest to United Banks of Colorado, Inc., and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 88

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          Therefore, they have a class life of 10 years and, by virtue of             
          section 168(e)(1), are 7-year property, with an applicable recovery         
          period of 7 years.  See sec. 168(c)(1).                                     
          V.  Net Operating Loss Issue                                                
               A.  Introduction                                                       
               Section 172(a) allows a “net operating loss deduction” for the         
          aggregate of net operating loss carrybacks and carryovers to the            
          taxable year.  The term “net operating loss” (NOL) is defined in            
          section 172(c).  Section 172(b) provides the carryback and carryover        
          periods for NOLs.  Section 172(b)(1)(A) and (B) provides that,              
          generally, the carryback period for a NOL is 3 years and the                
          carryover period is 15 years.  Section 172(b)(1)(L)  provides a             
          special rule with respect to the bad debt losses of commercial              
          banks:  The portion of the NOL of a commercial bank that is                 
          attributable to bad debt losses is prescribed a carryback period of         
          10 years and carryover period of 5 years.  Section 172(l) provides a        
          rule for determining the portion of a bank’s NOL attributable bad           
          debt losses:                                                                
               The portion of the net operating loss for any taxable year             
               which is attributable to the deduction allowed under                   
               section 166(a) shall be the excess of --                               
                    (i) the net operating loss for such taxable                       
                    year, over                                                        
                    (ii) the net operating loss for such taxable                      
                    year determined without regard to the amount                      
                    allowed as a deduction under section 166(a) for                   
                    such taxable year.                                                
          Section 166 allows a deduction for bad debts.  Section 1.1502-11,           
          Income Tax Regs., prescribes how consolidated taxable income is to          
          be determined.  Among other things, it prescribes that consolidated         

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