Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries, Successor in Interest to United Banks of Colorado, Inc., and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 97

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          petitioner’s analogy.  Although the consolidated return regulations         
          do speak in terms of a “consolidated net operating loss”, see sec.          
          1.1502-21(b)(1), Income Tax Regs., it is quite clear that the               
          consolidated net operating loss is to be determined by taking into          
          account the “separate” taxable income, including the separate NOL,          
          of each member of the group.  See secs. 1.1502-12, 1.1502-21(f),            
          Income Tax Regs.  The separately determined losses of each member           
          of the affiliated group do not lose their distinct character (to            
          the extent that such distinct character is important) upon                  
          consolidation.  Cf. Amtel, Inc. v. United States, 31 Fed. Cl. 598,          
          600 (1994), (“a member of an affiliated group may have a separate           
          net operating loss with independent significance for income tax             
          purposes”) affd. without published opinion 59 F.3d 181 (1995).              
          Moreover, section 172(l)(1) is a special rule that prioritizes a            
          bank’s losses.  Nothing in that section leads us to believe that            
          Congress intended to give a priority to a bank member’s bad debt            
          losses as against a nonbank member’s losses in the context of a             
          consolidated return.                                                        
               E.   Conclusion                                                        
               As stated, we agree with respondent’s determination of the             
          appropriate method to determine the bad debt portion of the                 
          consolidated NOL.                                                           

                                                  Decisions will be entered           
                                             under Rule 155.                          

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