Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries, Successor in Interest to United Banks of Colorado, Inc., and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 94

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               C.  Petitioner’s Position                                              
               Petitioner contends that the method used both by UBC on the            
          Form 1139 and respondent in the notice to determine the bad debt            
          portion of the consolidated 1987 NOL is incorrect.  Under the               
          method asserted by petitioner, the bad debt portion of the                  
          consolidated NOL is equal to the excess of the consolidated 1987            
          NOL over the consolidated 1987 NOL computed without the bad debt            
          deductions of the bank members.  Under that method, regardless of           
          whether the consolidated 1987 NOL on the Form 1139 ($12,549,042) or         
          in the notice ($9,239,383) is used, since the bad debt deductions           
          of the bank members for 1987 total $61,296,286, elimination of such         
          bad debt deductions from the consolidated 1987 NOL (i.e., the               
          "without" calculation) would eliminate the consolidated 1987 NOL            
          and result in substantial consolidated taxable income for the UBC           
          consolidated group.  Under those circumstances, there would be no           
          consolidated 1987 NOL to be allocated among the loss members of the         
          group.  Thus, under the method asserted by petitioner, the entire           
          amount of the consolidated 1987 NOL is attributable to bad debt             
          deductions of bank members, and the entire portion of the                   
          consolidated 1987 NOL allocated to the loss bank members is subject         
          to the 10-year carryback provisions of section 172(b)(1)(L).                
               D.   Discussion                                                        
               Consider a business with $100 of gross income, deductions              
          other than bad debts of $80, and deductible bad debts of $30.  The          
          business has a NOL of $10.  Under the general rule of section               
          172(b)(1)(A), the NOL may be carried back 3 years and carried over          

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