Norwest Corporation and Subsidiaries, Successor in Interest to United Banks of Colorado, Inc., and Subsidiaries, et al. - Page 96

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          making a consolidated return of income, had a consolidated NOL of           
          $10, and each member had separate taxable incomes as follows:               
                              Member A       $100                                     
                              Member B       (80)                                     
                              Member C       (30)                                     
          Further assume that Member C is a commercial bank, and is the only          
          member that is a commercial bank, and that the bad debt portion of          
          its NOL is $20.  Respondent would apportion 73 percent of the               
          consolidated NOL ($7.30) to Member B and 27 percent ($2.70) to              
          Member C.  Respondent would further determine that the bad debt             
          portion of the consolidated NOL is $1.82 ($20 x ($10 � $110)).              
          Under petitioner’s  method:  "[T]he bad debt portion of the                 
          consolidated NOL is equal to the excess of the consolidated NOL             
          over the consolidated NOL computed without the bad debt deductions          
          of the bank members.”  Thus, with respect to affiliated group ABC,          
          petitioner would determine that the bad debt portion of the                 
          consolidated NOL is $20.                                                    
               The difference between the parties is whether the special              
          ordering rule of section 172(l)(1) should be applied to a                   
          consolidated NOL.  The gist of petitioner’s argument is that the            
          consolidated return regulations provide that the consolidated NOL           
          must be determined on a consolidated basis.  Petitioner would,              
          thus, analogize an affiliated group with both bank and nonbank loss         
          members (and with a consolidated NOL) to a separate corporation             
          with both bad debt and nonbad debt losses (and an NOL) and apply            
          section 172(l)(1) to the consolidated NOL.                                  
               We find no basis in the consolidated return regulations for            

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