Investment Research Associates - Page 139

                                       - 217 -                                         
              By letter dated December 17, 1992, Kanter wrote Ballard                  
         regarding an obligation purportedly due by Ballard to Int'l Films             
         in the amount of $196,684.  In the letter, Kanter requested that              
         Ballard pay $120,000 in satisfaction of this prior obligation, to             
         "simply avoid any controversy with me or anyone else."  The                   
         $196,684 was the amount that had been written off by IRA as a bad             
         debt in 1987.                                                                 
              During the audit of Kanter's 1987 and 1988 returns, the IRS              
         requested information including data pertaining to transactions               
         with the Five.  The documents produced by Kanter during the audit             
         were in many instances incomplete with many missing pages.                    
         Moreover, no documents pertaining to the $1,345,641 that Kanter               
         received as a loan from Administration Co. were provided.                     
         Kanter, Ballard, and Lisle did not produce the records sought by              
         the IRS in connection with the business entities relating to                  
         them.  Nor did the IRS receive records voluntarily from any of                
         the entities that had transactions with them.  The records that               
         were produced generally were relevant only to Schedule A                      
         substantiation items, such as records related to charitable                   
              As a result of petitioners' failure to produce documents                 
         voluntarily, the complexity of the transactions involved, and the             
         number of entities involved, the IRS issued summonses in order to             
         obtain the necessary documents and information to conduct the                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011