Investment Research Associates - Page 148

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         records.  Rather, Kanter was the custodian of the records.                    
         Respondent immediately served Kanter with a subpoena requesting               
         records relating to Holding Co. and its subsidiaries, IRA and its             
         subsidiaries, Carlco, TMT, and BWK, Inc.  The subpoena requested              
         corporate minute books, corporate minutes, articles of                        
         incorporation and all amendments thereto, stock registers, stock              
         certificates, certificates of authority, bylaws and all                       
         amendments thereto, and all subscription agreements and                       
         agreements thereto.  In addition to the books and records,                    
         respondent also requested production of documents reflecting the              
         ownership of IRA, Holding Co., Carlco, TMT, and BWK.                          
         Specifically, respondent requested production of the following                
         original documents:                                                           
              All books, records or other documents evidencing the                     
              ownership of the following entities:  IRA, Holding Co.,                  
              Carlco, TMT, BWK, .  .  .  including but not limited to                  
              stock ledgers and records of stockholders.                               
              Although Kanter produced some documents, many records were               
         not produced.  Absent from the record are resolutions by the                  
         board of directors of Carlco and TMT setting forth the                        
         preferences of the preferred stock.                                           
              With respect to Holding Co., Kanter produced Holding Co.                 
         trial balances only for the years 1980 and 1981.  Respondent had              
         from prior audits partial general ledgers of Holding Co. for                  
         1983, 1984, and 1985, and partial trial balances of Holding Co.               
         for 1983, and 1984.  There are no receipts and disbursement                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011