Investment Research Associates - Page 150

                                       - 227 -                                         
              Unless otherwise indicated, references hereinafter to                    
         petitioners are to Ballard, Lisle, and Kanter, collectively.                  
         I.   Position of the Parties                                                  
              Respondent contends that the payments made by the Five to                
         the various Kanter entities were kickbacks paid to petitioners                
         for their influence and assistance in acquiring business with                 
         Prudential, Travelers, and others.  Specifically, respondent                  
         alleges that (1) when Ballard and Lisle were employed by                      
         Prudential, petitioners received kickbacks from the Five that                 
         petitioners agreed to split 45 percent each to Ballard and Lisle              
         and 10 percent to Kanter (the Prudential transactions), (2) when              
         Lisle worked for Travelers, Lisle and Kanter received kickbacks               
         that were split 90 percent to Lisle and 10 percent to Kanter (the             
         Travelers transactions), and (3) Kanter alone received kickbacks              
         for transactions that were not necessarily related to Prudential              
         and Travelers (the Kanter transactions).                                      
              Respondent contends that the payments constituted income to              
         petitioners that they failed to report on their Federal income                
         tax returns.  It is asserted that the payments related to the                 
         Prudential transactions are taxable 45 percent each to Ballard                
         and Lisle and 10 percent to Kanter, the payments related to the               
         Travelers transactions are taxable 90 percent to Lisle and 10                 
         percent to Kanter, and the payments related to the Kanter                     
         transactions are taxable 100 percent to Kanter.  In the                       

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Last modified: May 25, 2011