Investment Research Associates - Page 155

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         the contract.  Hyatt submitted the only bid and was subsequently              
         awarded the contract.  Hyatt then executed a written agreement                
         with Weaver's KWJ Corp. dated February 25, 1971, pursuant to                  
         which Hyatt agreed to pay KWJ Corp. 10 percent of the management              
         fees Hyatt earned from management of the hotel.  The agreement                
         acknowledged that "KWJ" was the principal factor in bringing                  
         Hyatt Corp. and the owners of the Embarcadero Hotel together and              
         aiding in the negotiations.                                                   
              The hotel opened in May 1973.  Apparently, Hyatt did not                 
         make a profit the first year, and no payments were made to KWJ                
              In 1975, a dispute arose between Weaver and Hyatt as to                  
         whether KWJ Corp. was entitled to management fees for 1974.  The              
         dispute was settled in November 1975.                                         
              Before the dispute was settled, Weaver and Kanter agreed                 
         that Weaver would sell all the stock of KWJ Corp. to IRA.  They               
         executed an agreement dated March 10, 1976, acknowledging the                 
         agreement.  The agreement gave IRA the option to purchase the                 
         stock within 4 years for $150,000 plus an amount equal to 30                  
         percent of all payments received by KWJ Corp. from Hyatt after                
         the purchase.  In September 1979, Kanter informed Weaver that he              
         wanted to proceed with the purchase of the KWJ Corp. stock.  The              
         sale was made effective retroactively to November 1, 1978.                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011