Investment Research Associates - Page 165

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         respect to Holding Co’s. investment as a partner, it did not                  
         require Holding Co. to make any contributions or provide any                  
         services in exchange for its share of the developer fees at issue             
         in this case.  Furthermore, Holding Co. did not pay for its                   
         partnership interest.  Rather, Frey paid the capital                          
         contributions, and Holding Co.'s share of profits was reduced by              
         a portion of the contributions as the profits were distributed.               
              Frey paid a portion of his development fees and profit                   
         interest to Holding Co. for Kanter's services of providing other              
         investors in the projects.  Holding Co. did not provide any                   
         services or capital with respect to those fees.                               
              We hold that the payments from Frey to Zeus are attributable             
         to services provided by Ballard, Lisle, and Kanter, and the                   
         payments to Holding Co. are attributable to services provided by              
         3.   The Schaffel Arrangement                                                 
              The arrangement between Schaffel and Kanter originated at                
         the dinner with Ballard and Lisle in New York.  At the meeting,               
         Kanter offered his and "his associates'" help in obtaining deals              
         from which Schaffel could earn fees as a broker, provided                     
         Schaffel would agree to pay Kanter half of any broker's fees                  
         Schaffel received from the deals.  Schaffel agreed, and Kanter                
         helped Schaffel negotiate agreements with Torcivia and Walters.               
         Pursuant to those agreements, Torcivia and Walters agreed to pay              

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Last modified: May 25, 2011