Investment Research Associates - Page 170

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         finalizing the agreement, closing did not take place until                    
         January 1978.  IRA paid $50,000 at closing and issued a                       
         promissory note for the $100,000 balance.                                     
              Schnitzer's primary objective in selling the 47.5-percent                
         Schnitzer-PMS interest to IRA was to acquire business from the                
         Pritzkers and/or Hyatt which he felt could be obtained through                
         Kanter's influence.  By early 1978, although Schnitzer-PMS'                   
         business, in particular its business with Prudential, had greatly             
         increased, it had not received any business from Hyatt.  When                 
         such business was not forthcoming, Schnitzer decided that IRA                 
         should sell back the Schnitzer-PMS stock.  Kanter offered to                  
         either sell IRA's stock in Schnitzer-PMS to Century or purchase               
         from Century Development Corp. its stock in Schnitzer-PMS for                 
         $3.1 million.  In November 1979, Century repurchased the 47.5                 
         percent owned by IRA in July 1979 for $3.1 million, payable over              
         a 10-year period with interest.  At the time of the repurchase,               
         approximately $700,000 remained outstanding on the loan for the               
         original purchase of Fletcher Emerson.                                        
              The payments for the repurchase of the Schnitzer-PMS stock               
         were accumulated in IRA until the formation of Carlco, TMT, and               
         BWK, Inc.  In 1984, IRA transferred the funds to the three new                
         corporations in a 45-45-10 ratio, effectively transferring 45                 
         percent to Lisle, 45 percent to Ballard, and 10 percent to                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011