Investment Research Associates - Page 179

                                       - 253 -                                         
         Kanter might eventually help Eulich-Management obtain management              
         contracts for larger hotels.                                                  
              Although Connolly was an excellent hands-on hotel manager,               
         he had no experience with the financial or reporting aspects of               
         managing a hotel.  He participated in the formation of Gateway                
         Corp. and Essex and the financial arrangement because he wanted               
         more money than he had been receiving from the company managing               
         the Gateway Hotel.  His participation in this activity was solely             
         at the direction of Ballard, Lisle, and Kanter.  Connolly was                 
         nothing more than a pawn of Kanter, Ballard, and Lisle.                       
              Employees of Eulich-Management performed record-keeping and              
         reporting services for Gateway Corp., but Eulich-Management did               
         not charge Gateway Corp. for these services.  At least 50 percent             
         of the money received by the Essex partnership came from Eulich-              
         Management, which in turn received only 47.5 percent of the                   
         distributions.  Under the arrangement, there was no way Eulich-               
         Management could ever make a profit by participating in the Essex             
         arrangement.  IRA and Holding Co., on the other hand, never                   
         contributed any money to the Essex partnership and never provided             
         any services to Gateway Corp. or the Essex partnership, yet                   
         together IRA and Holding Co. received 47.5 percent of the                     
         distributions from Essex.                                                     
              Eulich-Management received back in the form of partnership               
         distributions most of the payments it made to Essex.  The net                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011