Investment Research Associates - Page 144

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         information listed on the summonses to the agents during the                  
              None of the above information requested was produced                     
         pursuant to the summonses.  In fact, petitioners did not produce              
         anything in response to the summonses, including documents                    
         evidencing loans between themselves and the various entities.                 
              Principal Services maintained Kanter's personal records, the             
         records of his family entities and trusts, the records of IRA and             
         Holding Co.  Kanter controlled Principal Services and                         
         Gallenberger.  During discovery in these cases, respondent                    
         requested receipts and disbursement journals for Holding Co. for              
         all of the years at issue.  Kanter first promised to produce                  
         Holding Co.'s books and records in the possession of Principal                
         Services and then, in early February 1994, notified respondent                
         that the Holding Co. was a third-party over which he had no                   
         control.  Initially, Gallenberger had in her possession the                   
         records of Holding Co. for the years 1986, 1987, and 1988.  After             
         respondent requested production of the Holding Co. records,                   
         Kanter never asked Gallenberger for them.  At some point,                     
         however, she turned those records over to Kanter.                             
              On April 1, 1994, the Government sought enforcement of four              
         summonses that had been served in 1990 and 1991 on Administrative             
         Enterprises, Principal Services, Zion, and BK Childrens Trust                 
         (which is one of the twenty-five trusts which comprise the Bea                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011