- 12 - enhance existing employment skills. See Boser v. Commissioner, supra. We believe that petitioner's participation in the U.C. Extension courses improved her teaching skills in a direct and proximate manner. Petitioner is able to provide specific examples of how her teaching skills were enhanced by both courses. Petitioner's duties as an English teacher and as chair of the English department entailed more than simply providing instruction in English reading and writing skills. The mission of the San Francisco Unified School District (school district) is in part "to provide each student with an equal opportunity to succeed by promoting intellectual growth, creativity, self discipline, [and] cultural and linguistic sensitivity". In promoting this mission, petitioner's duties and responsibilities as a teacher required her to be competent in her subject field, to be involved in the development and implementation of curriculum, and to demonstrate a repertoire of teaching strategies and techniques. A 1998 resolution of the school district provides in part that the English/language arts curriculum of the school district must "reflect the diversity of culture, race, and class of the students of the San Francisco Unified School District", and the required reading in high schools shall include those works of literature which arePage: Previous 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011