- 13 - referenced on college entrance examinations. Petitioner testified that as an English teacher, she spends 9 to 12 weeks out of a 36-week school year teaching Greek mythology to ninth graders and that she teaches a minimum of 6 weeks of Greek drama to students in the 12th grade. Petitioner did not provide any materials as evidence of the specific content of English courses at Abraham Lincoln High School, nor did she explain why her ninth grade English class includes the study of mythology. Petitioner's testimony, however, explaining why she chose to enroll in the Legendary Greece course, illuminates the need to teach mythology as part of an English class. Petitioner testified that as an undergraduate English major, she took a course in mythology so that she could become familiar with Greek myths and understand the mythical allusions prevalent in literature, but she further explained that the course neglected to relate the mythology to the culture or the civilization in Greece. Turning to the study of Greek drama, we understand such material to be among the great works of Western literature and a fundamental component in the study of world literature. On these bases and with our observations of petitioner, we find petitioner's testimony regarding the curriculum of her English classes credible.Page: Previous 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011