Wagner Construction, Inc. - Page 61

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          appreciation of their stock if the company retains earnings.  See           
          Owensby & Kritikos, Inc. v. Commissioner, supra at 1326-1327;               
          Home Interiors & Gifts, Inc. v. Commissioner, 73 T.C. at 1161.              
               In reviewing the reasonableness of an employee's                       
          compensation, a hypothetical independent investor standard may be           
          used to determine whether a shareholder has received a fair                 
          return on investment after the payment of the compensation in               
          question.  That leads us to consider whether an independent                 
          investor would have approved the compensation in view of the                
          nature and quality of the services performed and the effect of              
          those services on the investor's return on his or her investment.           
          See Owensby & Kritikos, Inc. v. Commissioner, supra at 1326-1327;           
          see also Summit Sheet Metal Co. v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1996-           
               The prime indicator of the return a corporation is earning             
          for its investors is the return on equity.  See Owensby &                   
          Kritikos, Inc. v. Commissioner, supra at 1324.  In his report,              
          Mr. Reilly provides rates of return that an independent investor            
          would expect to earn on his investment.  From 1986 to 1996, the             
          following table shows:  (1) The equity shown on petitioner's                
          financial statements; (2) Mr. Reilly's fair after-tax rate of               
          returns on equity that an independent investor would expect to              
          earn; (3) the fair after-tax returns on equity using Mr. Reilly's           
          rates; (4) petitioner's actual after-tax returns on equity; (5)             

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