Wagner Construction, Inc. - Page 66

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          intended as compensation for services. We have found that for               
          both years in issue at least $385,000 is reasonable compensation            
          for Dennis as CEO and at least $250,000 is reasonable for Curtis            
          as COO.  We think another corporation would pay those amounts to            
          Dennis and Curtis for their services.                                       
               We do not think, however, that an independent investor would           
          approve salaries in excess of $635,000, unless the investor were            
          receiving at least a fair return on his investment.                         
               Mr. Reilly, petitioner's expert, determined that 28.2                  
          percent would be a fair pre-tax return (18.6 percent after-tax              
          return) on equity in 1995.  For 1995, an independent investor               
          would expect a pre-tax return of $819,123 ($2,904,692 beginning             
          year equity times fair pre-tax return of 28.2 percent).  In 1995,           
          petitioner deducted $1,294,888 as officer compensation and                  
          reported a net loss of $13,946.  The $659,888 excess reported as            
          compensation ($1,294,888 less $635,000) is less than the fair               
          return and is, therefore, a nondeductible dividend.                         
               Mr. Reilly determined that 26 percent would be a fair pre-             
          tax return (17.18 percent after-tax return) on equity in 1996.              
          For 1996, an independent investor would expect a pre-tax return             
          of $751,594 ($2,890,748 beginning year equity times fair pre-tax            
          return 26 percent).  In 1996, petitioner deducted $1,099,765 as             
          officer compensation and had retained earnings of $243,132.  The            
          $464,765 excess reported as compensation ($1,099,765 less                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011