Transport Labor Contract/Leasing, Inc. & Subsidiaries - Page 71

                                       - 71 -71                                           
          entitled under such lease agreement.  The factor, although not              
          broken down into component parts, was calculated to produce a               
          lease fee that included, inter alia, a fixed amount for TLC’s               
          gross profit.  It is also noteworthy that TLC’s risk of loss from           
          its driver-leasing business was limited to the risk that it would           
          have to pay TLC’s payroll obligation with respect to each driver-           
          employee for a payroll period, regardless of whether a trucking             
          company client paid TLC the payroll period net lease fee due for            
          such payroll period.48                                                      
               On the record before us, we find that the indemnification              
          provision on which petitioner relies, which we have found sup-              
          ports the respective positions of both parties in the instant               
          case, is a neutral factor in determining whether TLC was the                
          employer of each driver-employee.  On that record, we further               
          find that TLC’s limited opportunity for profit and limited risk             
          of loss in its driver-leasing business is a factor evidencing               
          that each trucking company client, and not TLC, was the employer            
          of each driver-employee.                                                    

               48Although each exclusive lease agreement required each                
          trucking company client to make a $650 deposit with TLC, that               
          deposit did not ensure that TLC had sufficient funds to pay TLC’s           
          payroll obligation with respect to each driver-employee whom it             
          leased to such trucking company client where (1) such trucking              
          company client selected a payroll period that covered more than             
          one week and/or (2) such driver-employee was entitled to a batch            
          report lump sum amount that was greater than $650 per payroll               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011