Transport Labor Contract/Leasing, Inc. & Subsidiaries - Page 72

                                       - 72 -72                                           
          Per Diem Letters                                                            
               Petitioner argues that TLC’s trucking company clients “were            
          well aware of the total amount of per diem they paid and their              
          responsibility to limit their deduction under Section 274(n)”               
          because TLC sent each trucking company client a per diem letter             
          for each of the taxable years at issue.                                     
               Respondent counters that TLC did not inform each trucking              
          company client of the section 274(n)(1) limitation prior to such            
          trucking company client’s entering into the exclusive lease                 
          agreement with TLC.                                                         
               We have found that the exclusive lease agreement was silent            
          as to (1) any per diem amounts that TLC was to pay a driver-                
          employee to cover such driver-employee’s food and beverage                  
          expenses while traveling away from home and (2) the section                 
          274(n)(1) limitation.  We have also found that there were no                
          agreements between TLC and any trucking company client regarding            
          TLC’s leasing driver-employees to such trucking company client              
          other than the agreement set forth in the exclusive lease agree-            
          ment.  We view the per diem letters that TLC sent to its trucking           
          company clients as nothing more than a self-serving attempt by              
          TLC to bolster petitioner’s position in the respective consoli-             
          dated Forms 1120 that it filed for the taxable years at issue               
          that the section 274(n)(1) limitation does not apply to the per             
          diem amounts that TLC paid to its driver-employees.  In this                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011