Ex parte MATTISON - Page 9

          Appeal No. 95-2218                                                          
          Application 07/902,073                                                      
          B.   Claims 12 and 15-17 are obvious                                        
               2.   We agree with Appellant's complaint that the examiner's           
          combination of Pederson and Fischler appears to be the product of           
          hindsight.  (Paper 14 at, e.g., 15.)  The examiner looks to                 
          Fischler to supply an element missing from Pederson in order to             
          meet the claimed invention.  (Paper 9 at 4-5.)  While it is true            
          that hindsight is necessary to the extent of narrowing the focus            
          of the examination to the claimed subject matter, the motivation            
          to combine must make sense in terms of the prior art per se                 
          without reference to the claims.  In re McLaughlin, 443 F.2d                
          1392, 1395, 170 USPQ 209, 212 (CCPA 1971).  Although the examiner           
          was generally on the right track, we conclude that his rationale            
          was unacceptably based on hindsight.                                        
               3.   We, nevertheless, conclude that the subject matter of             
          claims 12 and 15-17 would have been obvious in light of Pederson            
          and Fischler.  The Fischler reference would have motivated a                
          person having ordinary skill in the art to use a zone bit                   
          recorded (ZBR) hard disk system like Fischler's for the reasons             
          (access time, data density, cost, reliability, size) Fischler               
          discloses.  Findings 13 and 14, supra.  The same person would               
          also have been motivated to provide hard disk diagnostic                    
          circuitry for a ZBR system for the same reasons (many sources of            
          defects that can occur after the disk is in use) Pederson                   

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