Ex parte MATTISON - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-2218                                                          
          Application 07/902,073                                                      
          one-half cell delay, an anticipator, a variable bit cell delay, a           
          one-third cell delay and a delayed read data single shot (DRDSS).           
          (Paper 1 at 3, emphasis added.)                                             
               6.   The window pulse generating means may comprise "a                 
          phase-locked loop synchronized with said DRDSS-delayed data                 
          pulse".  (Claim 16, which depends from claim 12.)  The disclosed            
          window generator "may comprise the phase locked loop included in            
          data separator 20".  (Paper 1 at 28.)  "The phase locked loop is            
          shown as a conventional PLL comprised of [voltage-controlled                
          oscillator] VCO 30, a frequency divider 32, a comparator 34, a              
          charge pump 38 and a filter 40, all interconnected in a loop."              
          (Paper 1 at 12.)  "Microprocessor 42 is coupled to VCO 30 and is            
          adapted to supply a zone identifying signal to the VCO which acts           
          as a 'course' control."  (Paper 1 at 13.)                                   
          B.   The rejection                                                          
               7.   The examiner has rejected (Paper 9 at 3) claims 12-17             
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 in view of:                                           
          Pederson                    5,109,304                28 Apr. 1992           
          Fischler et al. (Fischler) 4,894,734                 16 Jan. 1990           
               8.   Claim 17 also stands rejected (Paper 9 at 6) under                
          35 U.S.C. § 103 in view of Pederson, Fischler, and                          
          Tanaka et al. (Tanaka)      5,142,420                25 Aug. 1992           
                                                       (filed 23 Apr. 1990)           

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