Ex parte MATTISON - Page 5

          Appeal No. 95-2218                                                          
          Application 07/902,073                                                      
          phase-locked loop (PLL) synchronized with the clock signal.                 
               12. Pederson does not teach three separate comparators                 
          comparing the output of the variable-delayed data pulse and the             
          window pulse, the DRDSS-delayed data pulse and the window pulse,            
          and the outputs of the preceding comparators, respectively, as              
          set forth in claim 13.                                                      
               13. The Fischler reference teaches a method and apparatus              
          for constant density recording of zones on a hard disk drive.               
          (2:12-29.)  Fischler teaches that constant-density recording has            
          the advantage of maximizing disk storage capacity.  (1:23-41.)              
          Fischler's zone-based constant-density recording system is                  
          disclosed to be a good compromise of access time, cost, size,               
          reliability, and storage capacity.  (1:42-2:29.)                            
               14. Appellant concedes that a hard drive using Fischler's              
          constant density recording is the same as the claimed "zone bit             
          recorded data storage device".  (Paper 14 at 9.)  Appellant                 
          further concedes for the purposes of appeal "that Fischler's                
          anticipator [62] corresponds to Appellant's DRDSS circuit."                 
          (Paper 14 at 10.)  We find these concessions to be consistent               
          with the record.1                                                           

               1    Appellant's disclosure could be read to discourage the            
          use of Fischler's anticipator because, among other things, it               
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