Ex parte MATTISON - Page 12

          Appeal No. 95-2218                                                          
          Application 07/902,073                                                      
               8.   Claim 17, which depends from claim 16, requires the PLL           
          to include a variable oscillator generating a signal based on the           
          zone from which data is being read (course control) and the phase           
          difference between the signal and the DRDSS pulse (fine control).           
          Appellant states in the specification that the operation of the             
          PLL shown in Figure 3 is know to those having ordinary skill in             
          the art.  (Paper 1 at 14.)  Consequently, we cannot conclude that           
          this limitation distinguishes the subject matter in claim 17 from           
          the proposed combination of Fischler and Pederson.  In any case,            
          we have already found fine control in Fischler's PLL to be                  
          equivalent.  Finding 7?, supra.  Claim 17 does not specify a                
          source for the zone-based signal, so the fact that Fischler's               
          signal comes via a digital-to-analog converter 67 instead of a              
          microprocessor as Appellant discloses is not relevant.                      
               9.   Although we have concluded that the subject matter of             
          claims 12 and 15-17 would have been obvious to a person having              
          ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention in view of           
          Fischler and Pederson, our rationale is sufficiently distinct               
          from the examiner's rationale that we believe due process                   
          requires a new ground of rejection pursuant to 37 CFR § 1.196(b)            
          (Rule 196(b)).                                                              

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