Appeal No. 94-2504 Application 07/963,676 epilepsy. Applicant does not provide a general teaching that the results shown would enable one skilled in the art to treat all other diseases. The pharmaceutical arts are inherently unpredictable and method of universal treatment is highly speculative as no single medical method is known which can treat all diseases. As such, the limited nature of the examples and [sic] are not sufficient quid pro quo for the broad claims in an unpredictable art to an invention speculative in nature. Ex parte Forman 230 USPQ 546 (PTOB 1986). In a Reply Brief filed January 5, 1994, appellants argued that the Examiner’s Answer had raised new arguments. In response to the new arguments, appellants filed an Amendment Accompanying Reply Brief (Paper No. 14) which limited the claimed method to one for “reducing the damaging effect of an excitotoxic, ischemic or traumatic injury” (Amendment, p. 1). The examiner entered appellants’ Reply Brief and notified appellants of that action. The examiner did not substantively respond to the extensive arguments set forth in the Reply Brief. See Paper No. 16. However, the examiner refused entry of the accompanying amendment. See the handwritten instructions on Paper No. 14. It does not appear from the record the examiner informed appellants that the amendment was not entered. - 7 -Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007