Ex parte CHARLTON et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 94-2504                                                           
          Application 07/963,676                                                       
               [I]t is incumbent upon the Patent Office, whenever a                    
               rejection on this basis is made, to explain why it                      
               doubts the truth or accuracy of any statement in a                      
               supporting disclosure and to back up assertions of its                  
               own with acceptable evidence or reasoning which is                      
               inconsistent with the contested statement.  Otherwise,                  
               there would be no need for the applicant to go to the                   
               trouble and expense of supporting his presumptively                     
               accurate disclosure.                                                    
               Here, appellants’ claims stand finally rejected because                 
          “‘[a] cell membrane permeant calcium buffer’ is broader than                 
          the specific supporting disclosure,” with no explanation,                    
          evidence or reasoning in support of the rejection.  We are                   
          obliged to reverse this rejection.  Whether or not the claims                
          on appeal are drawn to an invention “broader than the elected                
          invention” is, of course,                                                    
          not a matter within the scope of our jurisdiction under 35                   
          U.S.C. § 134.                                                                
               We are mindful that the examiner ultimately explained the               
          basis for the rejection in the Examiner’s Answer by setting                  
          forth a new rationale.  However, the examiner (1) did not                    
          substantively respond to the arguments contained in the Reply                
          Brief and (2) refused to consider appellants’ amendment at                   
          their first opportunity to amend the claims in response to the               
          new rationale.  Thus, the posture of this case is that                       
          appellants were first notified of substantive reasons why                    
                                        - 9 -                                          

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