Ex parte GOUGH et al. - Page 11

          Appeal No. 96-0251                                                          
          Application 07/874,697                                                      

          submerged in an electrolyte (col. 2, lines 46-47 and 53-60).                
          When more than one reference cell is used, while a cell is                  
          being rejuvenated by reversing the polarity between the                     
          reference cell and the structure, one reference cell is always              
          connected to the millivoltmeter to provide continuous                       
          monitoring (col. 7, lines 36-75; col. 8, lines 11-14).                      
               Lucisano teaches that when the silver/silver chloride                  
          reference electrode has partially dissolved and a layer of                  
          silver has been formed on the working electrode, a                          
          polarization treatment can be carried out to restore the                    
          signal (page 739, left column, second full paragraph).  The                 
          teaching by Sabins of use of multiple reference electrodes                  
          adapted to be connected sequentially to the circuit such that               
          a reference electrode always is in service while a reference                
          electrode is being rejuvenated by a polarization treatment                  
          (col. 7, lines 36-75; col. 8, lines 11-14) would have fairly                
          suggested, to one of ordinary skill in the art, connecting                  
          multiple reference electrodes in the Lucisano sensor such that              
          one is always in service during the disclosed polarization                  
               Appellants argue that there is no reason to believe that               

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