Ex parte GOUGH et al. - Page 16

          Appeal No. 96-0251                                                          
          Application 07/874,697                                                      

               3.  A method for extending the service life of                         
          implantable sensors containing corrodible electrodes within a               
          potentiostat sensor circuit having a sensor having a                        
          corrodible reference electrode, at least one noble metal                    
          cathodic working electrode, and at least one noble metal                    
          anodic counter electrode maintained at a low impedance, which               
          comprises including in said sensor a plurality of working or                
          reference electrodes, with only one of said plurality of                    
          electrodes operative at any one time, with all of said                      
          electrodes adapted to be connected sequentially into the                    
          sensor circuit.                                                             
               7.  A method for extending the service life of                         
          implantable sensors containing corrodible electrodes within a               
          potentiostat sensor circuit having a sensor having a                        
          corrodible reference electrode, at least one noble metal                    
          cathodic working electrode, and at least one noble metal                    
          anodic counter electrode maintained at a low impedance, which               
          comprises periodically changing the polarization of said                    
          working and reference electrodes so as to drive                             
          electrodeposited material from the working electrode back to                
          the reference electrode.                                                    
               9.  A method for extending the service life of                         
          implantable sensors containing corrodible electrodes within a               
          potentiostat sensor circuit having a sensor having a                        
          corrodible reference electrode, at least one noble metal                    
          cathodic working electrode, and at least one noble metal                    
          anodic counter electrode maintained at a low impedance, which               
          comprises applying to said reference electrode a cathodic                   
               10.  A method for extending the service life of                        
          implantable sensors containing corrodible electrodes within a               
          potentiostat sensor circuit having a sensor having a                        
          corrodible reference electrode, at least one noble metal                    
          cathodic working electrode, and at least one noble metal                    
          anodic counter electrode maintained at a low impedance, which               
          comprises increasing the input impedance at the reference                   

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