Ex parte GOUGH et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 96-0251                                                          
          Application 07/874,697                                                      

               Appellants argue (brief, pages 8-9) that Lucisano merely               
          states the problem and makes appellants’ claimed method                     
          “obvious to try” as that term is discussed in O’Farrell, 853                
          F.2d at 903, 7 USPQ2d at 1681.  In that case, as pointed out                
          by appellants (brief, page 9), the court stated that in                     
          previous cases, the court’s admonition that “obvious to try”                
          is not the standard for obviousness was directed toward two                 
          kinds of error.  See id.  “In some cases, what would have been              
          ‘obvious to try’ would have been to vary all parameters or try              
          each of numerous possible choices until one possibly arrived                
          at a successful result, where the prior art gave either no                  
          indication of which parameters were critical or no direction                
          as to which of many possible choices is likely to be                        
          successful.”  See id.  In the present case, as discussed                    
          above, Lucisano would have indicated to one of ordinary skill               
          in the art that electrode shielding is desirable and that                   
          using electrode shielding is likely to be successful.  In the               
          other cases referred to by the court in O’Farrell, “what was                
          ‘obvious to try’ was to explore a new technology or general                 
          approach that seemed to be a promising field of                             


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