Ex parte GOUGH et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-0251                                                          
          Application 07/874,697                                                      

          rejection of claims 9, 11/9 and 14/9 is not sustained.                      
               Appellants state that the claims stand or fall together                
          as to each rejection (brief, page 4).  We therefore limit our               
          discussion to one claim to which each of the above four                     
          rejections applies, i.e., respectively, claims 10, 7, 3 and 9.              
          See In re Ochiai, 71 F.3d 1565, 1566 n.2, 37 USPQ2d 1127, 1129              
          n.2 (Fed. Cir. 1995); 37 CFR § 1.192(c)(5)(1993).                           
               Rejection of claims 10, 11/10, 12, 13, 14/10, 14/12 and                
                   14/13 over Lucisano alone or in view of Perley                     
               Lucisano discloses an implantable sensor which has a                   
          corrodible, silver/silver chloride reference electrode, a                   
          platinum cathodic working electrode and a noble metal anodic                
          counter electrode (page 737, last full paragraph).  The                     
          counter electrode is maintained at low impedance and the                    
          reference electrode is maintained at very high impedance                    
          (paragraph bridging pages 737-738).  Lucisano teaches (page                 
          739, last full paragraph in left column) that “[t]ransient                  
          local capacitive currents as a result of inadequate shielding               
          of the leads [of the working and reference electrodes] may                  
          also have played a role” in the transfer of silver from the                 
          reference electrode to the working electrode.  This teaching                


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