Ex parte GOUGH et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-0251                                                          
          Application 07/874,697                                                      

                                    THE INVENTION                                     
               Appellants’ claimed invention is directed toward methods               
          for extending the service life of an implantable sensor having              
          a corrodible reference electrode, at least one noble metal                  
          cathodic working electrode, and at least one noble metal                    
          anodic counter electrode maintained at low impedance, by 1)                 
          reversing the polarization of electrodes in a recited manner;               
          2) using multiple electrodes with only one of the electrodes                
          being operative at any time; 3) applying a continuous cathodic              
          current to the reference electrode; or 4) increasing the input              
          impedance at the reference electrode and shielding the                      
          reference electrode.  Claims 3, 7, 9 and 10 are illustrative                
          and are appended to this decision.                                          
                                   THE REFERENCES                                     
          Krebs                        2,508,523             May  23,                 
          Perley                       2,563,062             Aug.  7,                 
          Hersch                       2,805,191             Sep.  3,                 
          Sabins                       2,998,371             Aug. 29,                 
          Dahms                        3,458,421             Jul. 29,                 
          Joseph Y. Lucisano et al., “In Vitro Stability of an Oxygen                 


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