Interference No. 103,345                                                    

                    The only issues before us are priority and the                    
          admissibility of some of Staples's priority evidence.                       

                            Roberge's motion to suppress                              
                    Roberge has moved to suppress the initial affidavits              
          by Jeffrey and Durenda Staples, exhibits A-D and F, and the                 
          models discussed in Jeffrey Staples's supplemental affidavit.               
                    By way of background, during his testimony-in-chief               
          period the party Staples filed affidavits  under § 1.672(b) by3                                  
          Jeffrey Staples, Durenda Staples, Howard Lambert, and Jim                   
          Smith, referencing Staples exhibits A-H.   Exhibits B, C, D,4                                   
          and F are photographs of what are identified as first, second,              
          third, and fourth prototypes of the invention.  Pursuant to §               
          1.672(c), Roberge  objected to the affidavits by Jeffrey and5                                                          
          Durenda Staples and exhibits A-D, F, and G for failing to                   

            As used in the interference rules, the term "affidavit"3                                                                      
          refers to an affidavit or a declaration.  37 CFR § 1.601(b).                
            Paper No. 31, filed November 10, 1995.4                                                                      
            Paper No. 22, filed December 1, 1995.5                                                                      
                                          - 3 -                                       

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